Thursday, February 26, 2015

Current Event Post 2

The FCC has reclassified broadband as a service that they're allowed to regulate (more strictly than they've done before). It's a complicated situation, with many potential implications and future lawsuits. The primary concern heard from consumers is that this increase in government regulation will lead to increases in consumer prices and lower internet speeds. These concerns aren't unfounded; Extra bureaucratic overhead has that potential, and the FCC will have the authority to directly add more taxes to the service. Despite claims that this decision is simply an attempt by the government to gain control, I don't believe these scenarios are likely. I can't imagine that consumers from either political party would approve of any motion that would slow their internet speeds or directly increase their prices. Maybe it's just a naive hope that the people's government will run the way it's supposed to, but I do actually believe that the FCC passed this reclassification with only net neutrality in mind.

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